Like A Cross bow in the Wind

The Wind can wreak havoc on the best of Bow Hunters. It’s like kryptonite for the perfect shot. Wind plays a key role for any avid shooter taking it downrange whether it be with a copper casing or a bolt from your Barnett.  The thrill of setting up the shot also comes with some skill and practice.  The wind plays a large role in taking meat home or looking into an empty refrigerator in the off-season.

I have many times sat in a tree wondering if my crossbow would be able to handle the wind. If the perfect shot presents itself, will my arrow fly straight? Taking a range of 30+ yards and then trying to map out your shot is difficult and every bowhunter knows timing and patience are crucial. One miscalculation and of chances of bagging some dear jerky are gone.

Below find a reader and Contributor account of his hunt with a crossbow this past weekend. I can vouch for the heavy wind as I do not live far from him. His name is Dave Walker! He is a great friend, a good family man, and the best mentor! Read his story!

CrossBow In The Wind


Hey, thought I would share my hunt from Saturday. I had the crossbow out Saturday in hopes to harvest some grub for the freezer.  Other than target shooting, I haven’t had a chance to let this Barnett Headhunter taste some blood.  After a lot of reading, I settled on Toxic broadheads. Well after a 4-hour windy sitting session,  four does come through being chased by a buck, three ran by and one slowed down.   I ranged her at 31 yards,  she slowed, I slipped the safety off, took a deep breath and she turned broadside.  Thwack! goes the sound of my Barnett.  She fell immediately.  Hot damn I finally dropped one!  The best part was she never ran.  I have to say how impressed I was with this crossbow and let me clarify, I normally have my compound bow. The shot was well placed and the equipment worked flawlessly. That says a lot for a 30 mile an hour wind most of the day and a shot I may not have taken with my regular bow.  But feeling confident with my equipment, and the broadhead I chose made all the difference. Thanks for the site, keep the information coming.
Thanks, PA deer hunter

Wow! What a story! I remember after the hunt and getting a text from Dave…it was just as exciting for me! As

hunters know, sometimes it’s being at the right place at the right time. Well, It’s also patience and having great equipment to act on the opportunities that present.  Dave did just that this weekend.  Strong work Dave! Keep the stories coming!

We love to hear from our readers, so if you have a story you would like to share…send it in! email me and we will do our best to make it live.

If you are in the neighborhood for a Crossbow guaranteed to get these results…Find one here on amazon.


Read Related Post:  How To Hunt A Deer With A Bow?

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