What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?

Over time, though competition in the field of archery is getting hard day by day. People also bear severe pain while competing in the tournament. The archery competitors consider this game as a matter of “do or die”. So, they focus on their practice without considering the pang and injuries in this regard.

These injuries can be severe from a scratch to death. To be aware of these must be beneficial for ones health. If you are a beginner in the field of archery then this article will surely help you in understanding the diseases. We will also tell you that how to cure these injuries.

To know about the severity of injuries, you almost have authentic information about them. Merely knowing about the injury is not enough, you must have the knowledge to cope with it. Moreover, knowing the seriousness of that wound and its cure is also essential.

Some injuries are more drastic, they can cause the end of your carrier. People usually consider them as minor disabilities but a prolonged encounter with them can cause serious ailments.

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Let’s discuss them in detail:

The most commonly occurring injury is shoulder pain. Although, it is a safe game still you encounter uncertainty.

Shoulder pain as often injury:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Studies have shown that almost 60 percent of archers mourn with this pain as the most important part of the bone which takes part in archery sport is the pectoral girdle. That is the chance people usually get an injury in this particular part. Almost every 60/100 people get this injury.

Shoulder joints often get injured due to the nature of their muscles and the location where it emerges. By examining the joint, we found that the shoulder joint relies upon the muscles of the shoulder so that they work together with each other providing the stability to bones and muscles.

The chest muscles get more substantial along with the shoulder which makes the shoulder bone rounded, which in return makes the back muscles longer. These back muscles work more than others so they tired frequently.

Archery causes the muscles to retract the shoulder and helps in pulling back the archery bow. Sometimes, the space between the shoulder joint becomes narrow due to the joint failure to glide appropriately. Such little space between the shoulder bone causes damage and inflammation in pectoral bones while running through the soft tissues.

Moreover, it is very likely to get an injury in this particular site if you are not giving appropriate time to the archery. That is the reason that professional archers usually have a minimum encounter with such wounds.

Here is also elbow injury which occurs of the bowstring makes more vibration on shooting the arrow. We use a specific word for elbow disease which is tendonitis. Let’s examine this disease

Rotator cuff injury:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Most of the archers, unfortunately, lose their whole carrier with a disease that seems to be minor but it causes a dramatic impact on the archer’s body. A rotor cuff injury includes such a category. And it usually occurs due to the carelessness of the archer. The archers equip the bowstring in an inefficient way or they use the heavier bow so that they cope with this injury. If you want to avoid this uncertainty, you must get advice from the experienced master on the appropriate method of drawing back the bowstring. Usually, there is a number of tactics to draw back the string so you must choose the style that is suitable to your body shape and capacity in return you will minimize the chances of rotator cuff injury.

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Let your muscles relax if you feel the stiffness of pain or some discomfort in your body. Some exercises can cause more pain in your rotator cuff. Use a proper bow drawing technique for practice. Consider your discomfort seriously. Moreover, use back muscles to pull your arm back, so that your shoulder will get less pressure.

Rotator cuff injury includes the following types.

  • Tendinitis
  • Bursa
  • Tear

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


In the world of archery, Archers also suffer from the elbow disease known as tendinitis. Repetitive negligence while using a bow and arrow can cause disability in one or both elbows.

The reason behind this is the same as a shoulder injury. Such diseases occur due to the high-frequency vibration of the bowstring which is usually due to the incapable or old string of the bow

People usually do not change the traditional ways of archery so it tough task to avoid such elbow diseases.


To get rid of this disease you must take review your bow. The bow must be less in weight and more stabilized. Moreover, proper vibration damping must be installed to reduce hand shock during archery.

People usually think that equipping the heavy will increase the accuracy rate of the shot. If you want to maintain the health of your shoulder you just need to reduce the draw weight of your crossbow if it seems too heavy to tackle.

Your tender must not be overcompensation due to the heavy weight of the bow. The strength of bones and muscles is very significant for archers. Practicing archery doesn’t mean that you should not consider your health. The stronger bones are a vital part of Archery.


What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Improper method to draw the bowstring irritates or inflames the liquid-filled “pillow” that serves as a cushion between the rotator cuff and shoulder blade.

The archers cope with another specific disease termed bursa or bursitis. Actually, bursitis is a severe form of the bursa. When the bursa is mistreated and not considered by its victim then it is converted into a more dangerous form.

It’s typically brought on by applying pressure to the same spot repeatedly or overusing a joint. Gardening, raking, woodworking, shoveling, painting, scrubbing, tennis, golf, skiing, throwing, and specifically archery are examples of high-risk activities. Additionally, long periods of improper sitting or standing at work or home, as well as inadequate stretching prior to exercise, can lead to bursitis. Bursitis can also sometimes happen due to an abrupt injury.

Your tendons’ resistance to stress decreases with age. Less elastic and more prone to tearing.


But the treatment of this disease is not that much difficult or does not require any cost if considered in the initial stage. You can treat it with ice, by taking rest, and by applying anti-inflammatory medicines.


What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


I have seen many people allegedly quit their archery carrier after suffering from this horrible disease. The most terrific thing about this disease is that it cannot be recognized easily.

But if you notice you will see that people bearing this disease face difficulty in lifting weights, raising their arms, and a wave of pain while moving things from one place to another. More symptoms of this field include weakness in the pectoral girdle, sometimes you can notice audible clicking while moving your shoulder.


You should avoid shooting and archery if you notice such symptoms. You must consult the doctor in this regard.

Sometimes surgery is the appropriate way for such diseases. After therapy, you will be able to resume your archery carrier.

String slap:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


If you are a passionate archer and frequently do archery then must have experienced this. Sometimes, the bowstring hit your arm so hard that it causes sufficient pain to you. The symptoms of such mishaps include tenderness and pain along with bruises, welts, and swellings.


To prevent this pain one should consider it seriously. Invest some money in buying an armguard. It is my personal experience of mine that the armguard can protect me so many times from this bowstring slap.

Another recommendation in this regard is your grip on the bow must be loose as tightened grip gives more chances for the string to slap the arm badly.

Using a lighter bow is much better in this regard. So that you will feel comfortable tackling the bow.

Finger blisters:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Due to friction, rubbing and over-grip injuries occur in the fingers of archers. Their skin gets damaged from that point. Causes irritation and inflammation.

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This usually occurs due to overcontact of string and fingers as the string is sharp so it can give minor or major cuts in your fingers. Stretching the bowstring vigorously can cause this.


To avoid such circumstances do not stretch the bowstring too hard. You must be conscious that where you are shooting with your bowstring.

A preventive measure in this regard includes an archery glove. Investing in these gloves will surely eliminate the chances of blisters on your finger.

Shoulder impingement syndrome:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Prolonged compression of the rotator cuff’s bursa and tendons between bones is can cause shoulder impingement syndrome. Pain in the shoulder joint is a common symptom of this illness, it causes pain all the time but the major burst of pain occurs when you put your arm overhead.

You run the risk of developing shoulder impingement syndrome if you repeatedly move your shoulder overhead.

Impingement syndrome over time can result in bursitis or tendonitis in the rotator cuff or bursa, respectively.


The symptoms include severe pain while moving your arm over your head. Moreover, you feel plenty of discomforts while sleeping. While arching this shoulder becomes very problematic. You can move the shoulder within a limited range.

Archery strains:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


A strain can occur to any part of the body including nerves, tendons, etc. Moreover, it occurs due to the repeated and intense overuse of archery without considering the safety rules. Specifically, in archery, these strains include elbows, necks shoulders, and rarely in the neck.


It is not a tough task to quit these strains. If the archer looks after the previous strain or takes complete rest and relaxing period during archery. Then he/she can avoid this.

Spurs in bones:

What are the injuries that archer’s usually faced? How to treat them?


Small, pointed bone growths called “bone spurs” form throughout time. The majority of the time, these growths are seen in body parts that have already experienced inflammation or injury.

Bone spurs can occasionally form as a result of aging, but they can also form as a result of inflammation, tendinitis, or any considerable stress on the shoulder joints.

Due to the strain imposed on those areas, bone spurs are most frequently developed in the neck and shoulders of archers.

You could have bone spurs and not even be aware of them. The discomfort is not brought on by the bone spur itself, but rather by a modest to moderate amount of nerve compression


Avoid exercise and over-practice archery. Use anti-inflammatory medicines. Allow some ice on the injured part.

Some guidance:

  • Be proactive and work to avoid injuries because the best medicine is prevention.
  • In spite of the fact that archery does not require much cardiovascular conditioning, it does call for a lot of muscle endurance. Power, control, and balance all require a strong core, along with strength and endurance.
  • Before and after practice, stretching and exercises are fantastic ways to condition the muscles for the physically demanding sport of archery.
  • Be aware of your body. The healing process depends on your ability to identify when your body needs to take a little break. Overusing your muscles and straining your body too hard over time can turn a minor source of inflammation into a real ailment.
  • Always utilize protective gear, and before each usage, inspect your bow and arrows for wear or signs of damage.
  • As you can see, lowering your risk of injury can be achieved by wise training, sufficient recovery, and the use of the right tools.
  • To enjoy many years of safe, injury-free archery, keep those things in mind.
Final thoughts:

In conclusion the whole discussion, we will recommend to every beginner to take special training from a master. Never underestimate the sensitiveness of your body. Make regular exercises to make your bones strong and effective so that they can cope with injury.

If you feel slight stiffness and pain in any part of your bone and muscle, took them seriously and immediately consult a therapist or physician.

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Related Links:

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archery /By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_archery /By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bow_and_arrow /By Wikipedia
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mounted_archery /By Wikipedia


  • https://www.wikihow.com/Shoot-an-Arrow /By Wikihow
  • https://www.wikihow.com/Start-Archery /By Wikihow
  • https://www.wikihow.com/Shoot-a-Compound-Bow /By Wikihow